Week 03
Intro to Reproducible Research

API209: Summer Math Camp

Rony Rodrigo Maximiliano Rodriguez-Ramirez

Harvard University

August 26, 2024


Why Reproducibility?

Are We in a Crisis?

  • The replication crisis in social sciences has highlighted significant issues in the credibility of research findings.
  • Many high-profile studies have failed to replicate, raising concerns about the reliability of published results.
  • The crisis has prompted a call for greater transparency and rigor in research practices.

The Replication Crisis

What Went Wrong?

  • Selective Reporting: Only significant findings get published, leading to publication bias.
  • P-Hacking: Manipulating data and analyses until nonsignificant results become significant.
  • Lack of Transparency: Opaque methodologies that others cannot replicate or verify.

The Importance of Reproducibility

Building Trust in Research

  • Reproducibility ensures that research findings are not just a result of chance or specific conditions.
  • It allows others to verify results and build upon them, fostering cumulative knowledge.
  • Transparent reporting of data and methods strengthens the credibility and utility of research.

How Can We Improve Reproducibility?

Adopting Best Practices

  • Pre-registration: Outlining the study design and analysis plan before data collection.
  • Open Data and Code: Sharing data and analysis scripts for others to verify and use.
  • Reproducible Workflows: Using tools like Quarto to create dynamic documents that combine analysis and narrative.

Reproducibility: The Basics

  • Reproducibility refers to the ability to duplicate the results of a prior study using the same materials and procedures as the original investigator.
  • This may involve using the same computer code or reimplementing statistical procedures in a different software package.
  • In essence, reproducibility is analogous to a ‘unit test’ in software engineering, ensuring that the study’s results can be consistently obtained under the same conditions.

Replicability: Expanding the Horizon

  • Replicability involves duplicating the results of a prior study by following the same procedures but using new data.
  • This concept extends beyond mere reproduction and tests whether the findings hold true across different datasets or slightly altered conditions.
  • Sometimes referred to as “scientific replication,” replicability is critical for validating the robustness and generalizability of research findings.

Reproducibility vs. Replicability

  • Reproducibility:
    • duplication with the same data and procedures;
    • ensuring accuracy and precision.
  • Replicability:
    • tests the findings using new data but the same methods;’
    • emphasizing robustness and generalization.

Both concepts are crucial for ensuring the credibility and reliability of research, but they serve different purposes within the scientific process.

enter Quarto

Quarto: A Tool for Reproducible Research

What is Quarto?

Quarto is an open-source scientific and technical publishing system that enables researchers to create dynamic documents, reports, presentations, and websites.

Why Quarto?

The Need for Reproducible Research

  • Quarto ensures that your analysis and outputs (tables, figures, etc.) can be reproduced by others, enhancing the credibility of your work.
  • Integrated with R, Python, Julia, etc.: Quarto supports multiple languages, making it versatile for various research needs.

Why Quarto?

Why Quarto

Quarto for literate programming

diagram of converting a Qmd document via knitr/pandoc into markdown and then into output formats

Key Features of Quarto

  1. Dynamic Documents: Create documents that are automatically updated with the latest data and analysis.
  2. Multiple Outputs: Generate reports, presentations, blogs, and books from a single source.
  3. Version Control: Integrates seamlessly with Git for version control, tracking changes, and collaboration.
  4. Cross-Platform: Works with RStudio, VSCode, or directly from the command line.

Why Use Quarto for Your Problem Sets?

Consistency and Organization

  • Quarto helps you organize your code, analysis, and narrative in a single document.
  • It ensures that your problem sets are well-documented and easily understandable.

Why the name “Quarto”?1