Schedule: Summer 2024
Here’s your roadmap for the math camp!
The content for each week is organized into three sections, which you’ll follow in this order:
Lessons (): Begin with the Lesson section. These pages contain the slides for each topic. Make sure to read through them first to build your foundation for the week.
Hands-on Sessions (): Next, move on to the Hands-on Sessions. These pages include practical exercises that will help you apply what you’ve learned in the lessons. We’ll work on these together during the odd-numbered sessions each week.
Labs (): Finally, explore the Lab section. These pages offer additional interactive components and lab exercises. You’ll complete these primarily on your own, and we’ll discuss them during the even-numbered sessions each week.
Each week’s content is structured in this same way, so be sure to follow this sequence to get the most out of your learning experience.
tl;dr: You should follow this general process for each session:
- Read the slides in the lesson page ()
- Work through the hands-on page ()
- Do the labs page ()
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