In this tutorial, we will explore three fundamental data structures in R: matrices, lists, and data frames. Understanding these structures is essential for effective data manipulation and analysis. This tutorial includes detailed explanations, code examples, and exercises with solutions to reinforce learning.
2.1 Matrices
A matrix is a two-dimensional data structure that stores elements of the same data type arranged in rows and columns. Matrices are useful for mathematical computations and organizing data in a tabular format.
2.1.1 Creating Matrices
Use the matrix() function to create a matrix by specifying the data, number of rows, and number of columns.
# Creating a matrix of student scores across 3 subjectsscores <-c(85, 78, 92, 90, 82, 79, 78, 91, 86)student_scores <-matrix(scores, nrow =3, ncol =3, byrow =TRUE)# Assigning row and column namesrownames(student_scores) <-c("Student1", "Student2", "Student3")colnames(student_scores) <-c("Math", "History", "Biology")student_scores
Math History Biology
Student1 85 78 92
Student2 90 82 79
Student3 78 91 86
Explanation: - A numeric vector scores is created containing nine score values. - The matrix() function organizes these scores into a 3x3 matrix filled by rows. - rownames() and colnames() assign descriptive labels to rows and columns for clarity.
2.1.2 Accessing and Modifying Matrix Elements
Access specific elements, rows, or columns using square brackets [].
# Accessing the score of Student2 in Historystudent_scores["Student2", "History"]
[1] 82
# Accessing all scores of Student3student_scores["Student3", ]
Math History Biology
78 91 86
# Modifying a specific scorestudent_scores["Student1", "Biology"] <-95
Explanation: - Specify row and column names or indices within brackets to access elements. - Assign new values to modify existing data in the matrix.
2.1.3 Matrix Operations
Perform various operations such as calculating row and column sums or means.
# Calculating total scores for each studenttotal_scores <-rowSums(student_scores)# Calculating average scores for each subjectaverage_subject_scores <-colMeans(student_scores)
Explanation: - rowSums() computes the sum across rows, giving total scores per student. - colMeans() computes the average across columns, providing average scores per subject.
2.2 Lists
A list is a versatile data structure that can contain elements of different types, including numbers, strings, vectors, and even other lists.
2.2.1 Creating Lists
Use the list() function to create a list containing heterogeneous elements.
# Creating a list with student informationstudent_info <-list(name ="Alice",age =20,major ="Economics",scores =c(88, 92, 85))student_info
Explanation: - The list student_info contains character, numeric, and vector elements, encapsulating diverse data related to a student.
2.2.2 Accessing and Modifying List Elements
Access list elements using the $ operator or double square brackets [[]].
# Accessing the student's majorstudent_info$major
[1] "Economics"
# Accessing the student's scoresstudent_info[["scores"]]
[1] 88 92 85
# Modifying the student's agestudent_info$age <-21
Explanation: - $ and [[]] operators retrieve specific elements from the list. - Assign new values to update existing elements within the list.
2.2.3 Nested Lists
Lists can contain other lists, allowing for complex data structures.
# Creating a nested list with course detailscourse_details <-list(course_name ="Introduction to Economics",credits =3,instructor =list(name ="Dr. Smith",office ="Room 101",email ="" ))course_details
Explanation: - The instructor element is itself a list containing detailed information, demonstrating how lists can be nested for hierarchical data representation.
2.3 Data Frames
A data frame is a table-like structure where each column can contain different data types. Data frames are widely used for storing and manipulating datasets.
2.3.1 Creating Data Frames
Use the data.frame() function to create a data frame by combining vectors of equal length.
# Creating a data frame with multiple students' informationstudents_df <-data.frame(Name =c("Alice", "Bob", "Charlie"),Age =c(20, 22, 19),Major =c("Economics", "History", "Biology"),GPA =c(3.8, 3.6, 3.9))students_df
Name Age Major GPA
1 Alice 20 Economics 3.8
2 Bob 22 History 3.6
3 Charlie 19 Biology 3.9
Explanation: - Each vector represents a column in the data frame, and each row represents an observation (a student in this case).
2.3.2 Accessing and Modifying Data Frame Elements
Access data frame elements using $, [], or subset().
Explanation: - $ retrieves entire columns. - [] with row and column indices retrieves specific elements or subsets. - Logical conditions identify and modify specific rows.
2.3.3 Adding and Removing Columns
Add new columns or remove existing ones as needed.
# Adding a new column for graduation yearstudents_df$GraduationYear <-c(2022, 2021, 2023)# Removing the 'Age' columnstudents_df$Age <-NULL
Explanation: - Assigning a vector to a new column name adds it to the data frame. - Setting a column to NULL removes it from the data frame.
2.3.4 Filtering and Subsetting Data
Use conditions to filter rows and select subsets of data.
# Filtering students with GPA above 3.7high_gpa_students <-subset(students_df, GPA >3.7)# Selecting specific columnsname_major_df <- students_df[, c("Name", "Major")]
Explanation: - subset() filters rows based on specified conditions. - Column indices within [] select specific columns for a new data frame.
Exercises and Solutions
Exercise 1: Working with Matrices
Create a matrix named enrollment representing the number of students enrolled in three courses over four semesters. Use the following data:
Semester 1: 120, 85, 90
Semester 2: 130, 80, 95
Semester 3: 125, 90, 100
Semester 4: 140, 88, 110
Assign row names as “Semester1” to “Semester4” and column names as “Economics”, “History”, “Biology”.
Calculate the average enrollment for each course across all semesters.
# Step 1: Creating the enrollment matrixenrollment_numbers <-c(120, 85, 90, 130, 80, 95, 125, 90, 100, 140, 88, 110)enrollment <-matrix(enrollment_numbers, nrow =4, byrow =TRUE)# Step 2: Assigning row and column namesrownames(enrollment) <-c("Semester1", "Semester2", "Semester3", "Semester4")colnames(enrollment) <-c("Economics", "History", "Biology")# Step 3: Calculating average enrollment for each courseaverage_enrollment <-colMeans(enrollment)average_enrollment
Economics History Biology
128.75 85.75 98.75
Exercise 2: Creating and Manipulating Lists
Create a list named university containing:
name: “ABC University”
established: 1965
departments: a vector of “Economics”, “History”, “Biology”
student_count: a vector of enrollment numbers 5000, 3000, 4000 corresponding to the departments.
Access the departments element from the list.
Add a new element location with the value “Cityville”.
# Step 1: Creating the university listuniversity <-list(name ="ABC University",established =1965,departments =c("Economics", "History", "Biology"),student_count =c(5000, 3000, 4000))# Step 2: Accessing the departments elementuniversity_departments <- university$departments# Step 3: Adding the location elementuniversity$location <-"Cityville"
Exercise 3: Building and Modifying Data Frames
Create a data frame named faculty_df with the following data:
Name: “Dr. Adams”, “Dr. Baker”, “Dr. Clark”
Department: “Economics”, “History”, “Biology”
ExperienceYears: 10, 8, 12
Add a new row for “Dr. Davis” from the “Economics” department with 5 years of experience.
Change “Dr. Baker”’s experience years to 9.
# Step 1: Creating the faculty_df data framefaculty_df <-data.frame(Name =c("Dr. Adams", "Dr. Baker", "Dr. Clark"),Department =c("Economics", "History", "Biology"),ExperienceYears =c(10, 8, 12),stringsAsFactors =FALSE)# Step 2: Adding a new row for Dr. Davisnew_faculty <-data.frame(Name ="Dr. Davis",Department ="Economics",ExperienceYears =5,stringsAsFactors =FALSE)faculty_df <-rbind(faculty_df, new_faculty)# Step 3: Updating Dr. Baker's experience yearsfaculty_df[faculty_df$Name =="Dr. Baker", "ExperienceYears"] <-9
Exercise 4: Filtering and Selecting Data
Using the faculty_df from Exercise 3, filter the data frame to include only faculty members from the “Economics” department.
Select only the Name and ExperienceYears columns from the filtered data.
# Step 1: Filtering faculty members from Economics departmenteconomics_faculty <-subset(faculty_df, Department =="Economics")# Step 2: Selecting Name and ExperienceYears columnseconomics_faculty_details <- economics_faculty[, c("Name", "ExperienceYears")]
Merge courses_df with faculty_df based on the Department column.
Remove any rows where there is no matching department in both data frames.
# Step 1: Creating the courses_df data framecourses_df <-data.frame(CourseID =c(101, 102, 103),CourseName =c("Microeconomics", "World History", "Genetics"),Department =c("Economics", "History", "Biology"),stringsAsFactors =FALSE)# Step 2: Merging courses_df with faculty_dfmerged_df <-merge(courses_df, faculty_df, by ="Department")# Step 3: Ensuring all rows have matching departments (already ensured by merge function)merged_df
Department CourseID CourseName Name ExperienceYears
1 Biology 103 Genetics Dr. Clark 12
2 Economics 101 Microeconomics Dr. Adams 10
3 Economics 101 Microeconomics Dr. Davis 5
4 History 102 World History Dr. Baker 9