Tutorial 4: Data Analysis with Tidyverse


Rony Rodriguez-Ramirez

Data Analysis with Tidyverse

In this tutorial, we will delve deeper into data analysis using the Tidyverse, focusing on more advanced data manipulation techniques. We will explore grouping data, summarizing results, and transforming data into a tidy format. These techniques are crucial for conducting meaningful data analysis, particularly in the context of educational data. We will load the dplyr and tidyr packages from the tidyverse for this tutorial. Remember that if you haven’t installed the tidyverse, you can use install.packages().


Attaching package: 'dplyr'
The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':

    filter, lag
The following objects are masked from 'package:base':

    intersect, setdiff, setequal, union

4.1 Grouping and Summarizing Data

One of the most powerful features of dplyr is the ability to group data by one or more variables and then summarize each group using a variety of summary statistics.

4.1.1 group_by(): Grouping Data

The group_by() function allows you to group data by one or more variables. This is often the first step in data analysis when you want to calculate summary statistics for different groups within your dataset.

# Example data frame
students_df <- data.frame(
  Name = c("Alice", "Bob", "Charlie", "David", "Eva"),
  Major = c("Economics", "Economics", "History", "Biology", "History"),
  Score = c(85, 90, 78, 88, 92)

# Grouping by Major
grouped_df <- students_df |> 
# A tibble: 5 × 3
# Groups:   Major [3]
  Name    Major     Score
  <chr>   <chr>     <dbl>
1 Alice   Economics    85
2 Bob     Economics    90
3 Charlie History      78
4 David   Biology      88
5 Eva     History      92

Explanation: - group_by() creates a grouped data frame where operations can be applied separately to each group. - In this example, students are grouped by their Major.

4.1.2 summarise(): Summarizing Data

Once the data is grouped, you can use the summarise() function to calculate summary statistics, such as the mean, median, count, etc., for each group.

# Calculating the average score for each major
summary_df <- grouped_df |> 
  summarise(AverageScore = mean(Score))
# A tibble: 3 × 2
  Major     AverageScore
  <chr>            <dbl>
1 Biology           88  
2 Economics         87.5
3 History           85  

Explanation: - summarise() creates a new data frame with summary statistics calculated for each group. Here, the mean score is calculated for each Major.

4.1.3 Combining group_by() and summarise()

You can combine group_by() and summarise() to perform complex analyses on your data.

# Calculating both the average score and the number of students in each major
summary_df <- students_df |>
  group_by(Major) |>
    AverageScore = mean(Score),
    StudentCount = n()
# A tibble: 3 × 3
  Major     AverageScore StudentCount
  <chr>            <dbl>        <int>
1 Biology           88              1
2 Economics         87.5            2
3 History           85              2

Explanation: - This example shows how to calculate multiple summary statistics at once. The n() function counts the number of observations in each group.

4.2 Data Transformation with mutate() and transmute()

The mutate() function allows you to create new variables or modify existing ones, while transmute() does the same but only keeps the newly created variables.

4.2.1 mutate(): Creating and Modifying Variables

# Adding a new column for standardized scores
students_df <- students_df |>
    StandardizedScore = (Score - mean(Score)) / sd(Score)

     Name     Major Score StandardizedScore
1   Alice Economics    85        -0.2930973
2     Bob Economics    90         0.6228318
3 Charlie   History    78        -1.5753981
4   David   Biology    88         0.2564602
5     Eva   History    92         0.9892035

Explanation: - mutate() creates a new column StandardizedScore, which standardizes the Score by subtracting the mean and dividing by the standard deviation.

4.2.2 transmute(): Keeping Only New Variables

If you only want to keep the newly created variables, use transmute().

# Keeping only the standardized scores
standardized_df <- students_df |>
    Name, StandardizedScore = (Score - mean(Score)) / sd(Score)

     Name StandardizedScore
1   Alice        -0.2930973
2     Bob         0.6228318
3 Charlie        -1.5753981
4   David         0.2564602
5     Eva         0.9892035

Explanation: - transmute() creates the StandardizedScore column and drops all other columns except Name.

4.3 Pivoting Data with pivot_longer() and pivot_wider()

Data often needs to be reshaped from wide to long format or vice versa. The pivot_longer() and pivot_wider() functions from the tidyr package are used for this purpose.

4.3.1 pivot_longer(): Converting Data from Wide to Long Format

# Example wide data frame
wide_df <- data.frame(
  Name = c("Alice", "Bob", "Charlie"),
  Math_Score = c(85, 90, 78),
  History_Score = c(88, 80, 90)

# Converting to long format
long_df <- wide_df |>
    cols = contains("Score"), 
    names_to = "Subject", 
    values_to = "Score"

# A tibble: 6 × 3
  Name    Subject       Score
  <chr>   <chr>         <dbl>
1 Alice   Math_Score       85
2 Alice   History_Score    88
3 Bob     Math_Score       90
4 Bob     History_Score    80
5 Charlie Math_Score       78
6 Charlie History_Score    90

Explanation: - pivot_longer() converts the data from wide format (separate columns for each subject) to long format (one column for subjects and one for scores). - The cols argument specifies which columns to pivot, names_to specifies the name of the new variable that will contain the original column names, and values_to specifies the name of the variable that will contain the values.

4.3.2 pivot_wider(): Converting Data from Long to Wide Format

# Converting long format back to wide format
wide_again_df <- long_df |>
    names_from = Subject, 
    values_from = Score

# A tibble: 3 × 3
  Name    Math_Score History_Score
  <chr>        <dbl>         <dbl>
1 Alice           85            88
2 Bob             90            80
3 Charlie         78            90

Explanation: - pivot_wider() is the opposite of pivot_longer(). It spreads key-value pairs across multiple columns, converting the data back to wide format.

Exercises and Solutions

Exercise 1: Grouping and Summarizing Data

  1. Using the students_df data frame, group the data by Major.
  2. Calculate the total number of students and the maximum score for each Major.


# Step 1: Grouping by Major
grouped_df <- students_df |> 

# Step 2: Summarising total students and maximum score
summary_df <- grouped_df |>
    TotalStudents = n(),
    MaxScore = max(Score)

Exercise 2: Mutating Data

  1. Create a new column in students_df called ScoreCategory that categorizes scores as “High” (>= 85) or “Low” (< 85).
  2. Modify the ScoreCategory column to reflect “Very High” for scores >= 90.


# Step 1: Adding ScoreCategory column
students_df <- students_df |>
    ScoreCategory = ifelse(Score >= 85, "High", "Low")

# Step 2: Modifying ScoreCategory for Very High scores
students_df <- students_df |>
    ScoreCategory = ifelse(Score >= 90, "Very High", ScoreCategory)

     Name     Major Score StandardizedScore ScoreCategory
1   Alice Economics    85        -0.2930973          High
2     Bob Economics    90         0.6228318     Very High
3 Charlie   History    78        -1.5753981           Low
4   David   Biology    88         0.2564602          High
5     Eva   History    92         0.9892035     Very High

Exercise 3: Pivoting Data

  1. Convert the wide_df data frame from wide to long format using pivot_longer().
  2. Rename the Subject column to Course in the long data frame.


# Step 1: Pivoting from wide to long format
long_df <- wide_df |>
    cols = contains("Score"), 
    names_to = "Subject", 
    values_to = "Score"

# Step 2: Renaming Subject to Course
long_df <- long_df |>
  rename(Course = Subject)

# A tibble: 6 × 3
  Name    Course        Score
  <chr>   <chr>         <dbl>
1 Alice   Math_Score       85
2 Alice   History_Score    88
3 Bob     Math_Score       90
4 Bob     History_Score    80
5 Charlie Math_Score       78
6 Charlie History_Score    90

Exercise 4: Combining Data Transformation and Summarization

  1. Using students_df, create a new column called AdjustedScore where each score is increased by 5%.
  2. Group the data by Major and calculate the average AdjustedScore for each Major.


# Step 1: Adding AdjustedScore column
students_df <- students_df |>
  mutate(AdjustedScore = Score * 1.05)

# Step 2: Grouping by Major and calculating average AdjustedScore
summary_df <- students_df |>
  group_by(Major) |>
  summarise(AverageAdjustedScore = mean(AdjustedScore))

Exercise 5: Advanced Pivoting

  1. Using long_df, convert the data back to wide format with pivot_wider().
  2. Ensure the resulting data frame has Name as rows and Course as columns with scores as values.


# Pivoting from long to wide format
wide_again_df <- long_df |>
  pivot_wider(names_from = Course, values_from = Score)

# A tibble: 3 × 3
  Name    Math_Score History_Score
  <chr>        <dbl>         <dbl>
1 Alice           85            88
2 Bob             90            80
3 Charlie         78            90